I had such great plans for my blog after my initial post on the Spring Equinox of 2021. The plan was to write and publish a post at least once a month (or more). April of that year, horrah, posting plan achieved with two separate posts. Then May came … and went. May turned into June, then July until August and well no further explanation needed.

December 2021 was when I got back onto the posting wagon again due to being a part of a course with one of my mentors where she sent out an email to her complete mailing list of thousands of women with a link to blogs posts written by course participants. It was the month that again I managed to exceed my initial target and wrote two posts that month.

2022, was the year of taking back my power amd gaining clarity on my service. I had an inner determination, and had made the decision to gain clarity on how I am to best show-up and serve others using the gifts, skills and talents (plus experience) that life had blessed me with. Life answered my energetic calling and proceeded to guide and direct me on how best I could show-up and serve others in my areas of expertise namely holistic therapies, healing and well-being under the umbrella of holistic self-care.

Prior to today I had been asking myself what had happened last year (2022) that not one blog post was written. Then I remembered to be kind to myself and that the process of taking back my power as the ways for me to show-up and serve became clear was a large part of my 2022. With that rememberance I released the inner critics comments.

I can see how something similar, that occured with my blogging plans, can happen with the clients I see and serve in my holisitc practice in Central London and also online.

Like them you may have had plans to prioritise yourself by booking regular sessions with someone like me, especially if you had already experienced the effects of a first session. however life and the increasingly ‘busyness’ of it may have taken over your plans to look after yourself, your wellbeing and physical body more. Then unintentionally your self-care plans may have faded or droped down your list of priorties amongst the noise and the hussle and bussle.

Also let’s face it, the pandemic years were unexpected and challenging, (an understatement) with the ongoing fallout still rippling through this worlds reality, so be kind to yourself (like I was reminded to be by a business peer during a co-working session recently).

So here I am, showing up in service on my blog at my kitchen table writing my first blog post in over a year.

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